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MNS IEC 60225-1:2012
MNS IEC 60225-1:2012
Measuring relays and protection equipment- Part 1: Common requirements
MNS IEC 62052-11:2012
MNS IEC 62052-11:2012
Electricity metering equipment (AC). General requirements, tests and test conditions. Part 11: Metering equipment
MNS IPSAS 13:2012
MNS IPSAS 13:2012
MNS IPSAS 15:2012
MNS IPSAS 15:2012
Financial instruments: Disclosure and presentation
MNS IPSAS 18:2012
MNS IPSAS 18:2012
Segment reporting
MNS IPSAS 19:2012
MNS IPSAS 19:2012
Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
MNS IPSAS 4:2012
MNS IPSAS 4:2012
The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
MNS IPSAS 9:2012
MNS IPSAS 9:2012
Revenue from Exchange Transactions
MNS ISO 10185:2012
MNS ISO 10185:2012
Tobacco and tobacco products. Dictionary
MNS ISO 10382:2012
MNS ISO 10382:2012
Soil quality. Determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls. Gas chromatographic method with electron capture detection
MNS ISO 10456:2012
MNS ISO 10456:2012
Construction materials and products. Moisture and heat properties. Determination of thermal values ​​and estimation values
MNS ISO 10968:2012
MNS ISO 10968:2012
Earth-moving machinery -Operator's controls
MNS ISO 11423-1:2012
MNS ISO 11423-1:2012
Water quality. Determination of benzene and some derivatives- Part 1: Head-space gas chromatographic method
MNS ISO 11925-2:2012
MNS ISO 11925-2:2012
Fire resistance testing. Material Response to Flame Part 2: Single Flame Test
MNS ISO 12439:2012
MNS ISO 12439:2012
Water for concrete
MNS ISO 1302:2012
MNS ISO 1302:2012
Product geometry description. Demonstrate surface texture in the technical documentation of the product
MNS ISO 13884:2012
MNS ISO 13884:2012
Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of isolated trans isomers by infrared spectrometry
MNS ISO 15786:2012
MNS ISO 15786:2012
Technical drawings. Simplify and tune the simplified image size
MNS ISO 16055:2012
MNS ISO 16055:2012
Tobacco and tobacco products. Monitor test piece. Requirements and use
MNS ISO 17659:2012
MNS ISO 17659:2012
Welding. Multilingual terms for welded joints with illustrations

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