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MNS ISO 3650:2005
MNS ISO 3650:2005
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS). Length standards. Gauge blocks
MNS ISO 406:2005
MNS ISO 406:2005
Technical Function. Tolerance and angular tolerance
MNS ISO 4112:2005
MNS ISO 4112:2005
Cereals and pulses. Guidance on measurement of the temperature of grain stored in bulk
MNS ISO 4738:2005
MNS ISO 4738:2005
Copper wire rod for electrical conductors and electrical equipment
MNS ISO 4948-1:2005
MNS ISO 4948-1:2005
Steels. Classification-Part 1: Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy steels based on chemical composition
MNS ISO 4948-2:2005
MNS ISO 4948-2:2005
Steels. Classification-Part 2: Classification of unalloyed and alloy steels according to main quality classes and main property or application characteristics
MNS ISO 5128:2005
MNS ISO 5128:2005
Acoustics. Measurement of noise inside motor vehicles
MNS ISO 5261:2005
MNS ISO 5261:2005
Technical drawings. Simplified representation of bars and profile sections
MNS ISO 5455:2005
MNS ISO 5455:2005
Technical drawings. Scales
MNS ISO 5725-2:2005
MNS ISO 5725-2:2005
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 2Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of standard measurement method
MNS ISO 5814:2005
MNS ISO 5814:2005
Water quality. Determination of dissolved oxygen. Electrochemical probe method
MNS ISO 6059:2005
MNS ISO 6059:2005
Water quality. Determination of the sum of calcium and magnesium. EDTA titrimetric method
MNS ISO 611:2005
MNS ISO 611:2005
Road vehicles-Braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers-Vocabulary
MNS ISO 6410-1:2005
MNS ISO 6410-1:2005
Technical drawings. Screw threads and threaded parts. Part 1: General conventions
MNS ISO 6410-2:2005
MNS ISO 6410-2:2005
Technical drawings. Screw threads and threaded parts-Part 2: Screw thread inserts
MNS ISO 6410-3:2005
MNS ISO 6410-3:2005
Technical drawings. Screw threads and threaded parts- Part 3: Simplified representation
MNS ISO 6428:2005
MNS ISO 6428:2005
Technical drawings. Requirement for micro copying
MNS ISO 6433:2005
MNS ISO 6433:2005
Technical drawing. Item references
MNS ISO 650:2005
MNS ISO 650:2005
Relative density 60/60 F hydrometers for general purposes
MNS ISO 6540:2005
MNS ISO 6540:2005
Maize. Determination of moisture content (on milled grains and on whole grains)

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