MNS ISO 2211:2002
MNS ISO 2211:2002
Liquid halogenated Hydrocarbons for Industrial Use. Measurement of color in Hazen units (platinum- cobalt scale)
MNS ISO 2589:2002
MNS ISO 2589:2002
Measurement of shrinkage temperature
MNS ISO 31-0:2002
MNS ISO 31-0:2002
Quantities and units. Part 0: General principles
MNS ISO 31-1:2002
MNS ISO 31-1:2002
Quantities and units. Part 1: Space and time
MNS ISO 31-10:2002
MNS ISO 31-10:2002
Quantities and units. Part 10: Nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations
MNS ISO 31-12:2002
MNS ISO 31-12:2002
Quantities and units. Part 12: Characteristic numbers
MNS ISO 31-3:2002
MNS ISO 31-3:2002
Quantities and units. Part 3: Mechanics
MNS ISO 31-4:2002
MNS ISO 31-4:2002
Quantities and units. Part 4: Heat
MNS ISO 31-7:2002
MNS ISO 31-7:2002
Quantities and units. Part 11: Acoustic
MNS ISO 3175-1:2002
MNS ISO 3175-1:2002
Dry cleaning and finishing. Part 1: Method for assessing the clearability of textiles and garments
MNS ISO 3175-2:2002
MNS ISO 3175-2:2002
Dry cleaning and finishing. Part 2: Procedures for tetrachlorethene
MNS ISO 31-9:2002
MNS ISO 31-9:2002
Quantities and units. Part 9: Atomic and nuclear physics
MNS ISO 3758:2002
MNS ISO 3758:2002
Care labeling code using symbols
MNS ISO 3880:2002
MNS ISO 3880:2002
Building construction-Stairs-Vocabulary. Part 1
MNS ISO 4156-2:2002
MNS ISO 4156-2:2002
Construction drawings - Project system Part 2: Room name and number
MNS ISO 4157-2:2002
MNS ISO 4157-2:2002
Construction drawings. Designation systems. Part 2: Room names and numbers
MNS ISO 4157-3:2002
MNS ISO 4157-3:2002
Construction drawings. Designation systems. Part 3: Room identifiers
MNS ISO 4219:2002
MNS ISO 4219:2002
Air quality. Determination of gaseous Sulphur compounds in ambient air. Sampling equipment
MNS ISO 4221:2002
MNS ISO 4221:2002
Air quality. Determination of mass concentration of Sulphur dioxide in ambient air. Thorin spectrophotometric method
MNS ISO 4227:2002
MNS ISO 4227:2002
Planning of ambient air quality monitoring
MNS ISO 4531-1:2002
MNS ISO 4531-1:2002
Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Release of lead and cadmium from enameled ware in contact with food. Part 1: Method of test
MNS ISO 4531-2:2002
MNS ISO 4531-2:2002
Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Release of lead and cadmium from enameled ware in contact with food. Part 2: Permissible limits
MNS ISO 4805:2002
MNS ISO 4805:2002
Laboratory glassware. Thermo-alcoholmeters and alcohol-thermo-hydrometers
MNS ISO 5172:2002
MNS ISO 5172:2002
Fireproof material and product. Physical and mechanical methods.
MNS ISO 5579:2002
MNS ISO 5579:2002
Non-destructive testing. Radiographic examination of metallic materials by X- and gamma rays. Basic rules
MNS ISO 5667-1:2002
MNS ISO 5667-1:2002
Water quality. Sampling. Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programs
MNS ISO 5667-12:2002
MNS ISO 5667-12:2002
Water quality. Sampling. Part 12: Guidance on sampling of bottom sediments
MNS ISO 5667-7:2002
MNS ISO 5667-7:2002
Water quality. Sampling. Part 7: Guidance on the design of water and steam in boiler plants
MNS ISO 5817:2002
MNS ISO 5817:2002
Arc-welded joints steel. Guidance on quality levels for imperfections
MNS ISO 6107-1:2002
MNS ISO 6107-1:2002
Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 1
MNS ISO 6107-7:2002
MNS ISO 6107-7:2002
Water quality. Vocabulary. Part 7
MNS ISO 6361:2002
MNS ISO 6361:2002
MNS ISO 6851:2002
MNS ISO 6851:2002
Photography. Processing waste. Determination of total amino nitrogen (micro diffusion Kjeldahl method)
MNS ISO 6853:2002
MNS ISO 6853:2002
Photography. Processing waste. Determination of ammoniac nitrogen (micro diffusion method)
MNS ISO 6927:2002
MNS ISO 6927:2002
Building construction. Jointing products-Sealants- Vocabulary
MNS ISO 6961:2002
MNS ISO 6961:2002
Long-term leach testing of solidified radioactive waste forms
MNS ISO 6962:2002
MNS ISO 6962:2002
Standard method for testing the long-term alpha irradiation stability of solidified high-level radioactive waste forms
MNS ISO 7389:2002
MNS ISO 7389:2002
Building construction. Jointing products. Sealants. Determination of elastic recovery
MNS ISO 7390:2002
MNS ISO 7390:2002
Building construction. Jointing products. Sealants. Determination of resistance to flow
MNS ISO 7760:2002
MNS ISO 7760:2002
Photography. Processing waste. Determination of hydroquinone
MNS ISO 8339:2002
MNS ISO 8339:2002
Building construction. Jointing products. Sealants. Determination of tensile properties
MNS ISO 8340:2002
MNS ISO 8340:2002
Building construction. Jointing products. Sealants. Determination of tensile properties at maintained extension
MNS ISO 8690:2002
MNS ISO 8690:2002
Radiation protection. Decontamination of radioactively contaminated surface. Method for testing and assessing the ease of decontamination
MNS ISO 8966:2002
MNS ISO 8966:2002
Logging industry-Products- Terms and definitions
MNS ISO 9046:2002
MNS ISO 9046:2002
Building construction. Jointing products. Sealants. Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at constant temperature
MNS ISO 9047:2002
MNS ISO 9047:2002
Building construction. Jointing products. Sealants. Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at variable temperature
MNS ISO 9271:2002
MNS ISO 9271:2002
Radiation protection Decontamination of radioactively contaminated surfaces- Testing of decontamination agents for textiles
MNS ISO 9652-2:2002
MNS ISO 9652-2:2002
Masonry Part 2: Unreinforced masonry design by simple rules

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